Photoshoots of cars and composites of the car with backgrounds. Used light painting, CPL filters, retouching, post processing and preparing photos for social media and for press in photolab. CAR: NISSAN GTR. CLIENT: Mantas

 Photoshoots of cars and composites of the car with backgrounds. Used light painting, CPL filters, retouching, post processing and preparing photos for social media and for press in photolab. this photoshoot was a very quick one completed in only one location, but the result is stunning nonetheless. CAR: BMW M3. CLIENT: Tomas

 Photo session of car and composites of car with backgounds. Used light painting, CPL filters, retouching, post processing and preparing photos for social media and for press ir photolab. This particular photoshoot was completed with just a car that i found on a rooftop and decided to take pictures of. CAR: PONTIAC FIREBIRD. CLIENT: Unknown